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Recording #5: Putting Your Strengths To Work

This teleconference recording is about reconnecting with your strengths and putting them to work for you. So if you are looking for techniques on how to bring the best of yourself to what you do and time is of the essence, why not work smart. Learn how to draw from your strengths to create a core practice and lifestyle that thrives and feels most authentic for you to offer. Review key concepts behind the strengths movement and learn techniques for you to share them with the world.

Cost: $8.99


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Recording #1: Strategies for Successful Life Transitions

For this recording, I discuss strategies for making successful life transitions, focusing on individual growth within a holistic mindset. In other words, how you can make the desired changes in your life while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For some transitions are stressful or overwhelming, but they can be fun and invigorating times as well. Join me to get some perspective on how to best prepare yourself for transitions and how to maximize them as opportunities for growth and change.

During this teleconference I will review the four stages in which one can hone in on various aspects of keeping themselves present and aware during a life transition. The stages are informed by practices that include affirmative thinking, determining one’s mission, resolving emotional contrast, and getting organized to take action. See how each of these “stages” ties in with one another, and get a holistic look at how they will benefit you to get you where you want to go!

Cost: $8.99

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Recording #6: How to Lead a Successful Teleconference and Earn Passive Income.

Have you ever wanted to lead a teleconference as a means of providing your services to your clients? Have you ever thought of how to earn income from those services? I invite you to take the opportunity to learn how to lead teleconferences and start earning income from them. This teleconference recording includes: * What you need to know to run a successful teleconference. * How to prepare the message and content of your teleconference. * Tips on free and easy to use methods to make your teleconference with no cost to you. * How to create a digital download of your teleconference to sell on your website. * Step by step procedures on how to break this down for you and get them up and running today! Learn how to successfully turn your teleconferences into a source of passive income for yourself. You can do this! Provide a service you love and enjoy sharing, and earn from it too.

Cost: $25.00


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Available at

Teleconference #2: Mastering the Art of Affirmative Thinking

Description: This teleconference recording is for anyone who finds value in thinking affirmatively and drawing from their strengths. In this teleconference we’ll go over ways to make your thought process work for you. We’ll explore different strategies like to cultivate the mind, including how to reframe past experiences through Acknowledgment exercises, clearing your focus through visualization, or simply tapping into your subconscious through repetitive affirmative phrases. All to help you find a practice that resonates with your personal style.  Learn easy to use strategies to develop thoughts patterns that work for you in creating the life that you want. 

Cost: $8.99

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Recording #3: Resolving Emotional Contrast

Description: This teleconference recording reviews how to hone skills that allow you to pre-manifest the good feelings that come out of working and living holistically.  I discuss how to resolve emotional contrast (like feeling low when you know you should be feeling great!) to bring you into a space that will attract what you want.  Just as thoughts effect success, learn what part emotions play in the creative process.  Learn strategies and exercises that bring your emotional state up to par with your thoughts and actions.  This will help you be more present and enthusiastic while taking on the tasks that really get you going.  If you’re ready to start lifting your spirits and springing into action, this teleconference is for you.

Cost: $8.99


Support independent publishing: buy this multimedia on Lulu.

Recording #4: Getting Organized

Description: This teleconference recording is about getting organized and creating the space and structure for your work to thrive. Learn how to hone skills that allow you to set clear objectives to meet your goals while living holisitically. From clutter clearing to arranging files to goal setting, we will address what it takes for you to set yourself up for success. As you engage in techniques that help you plan effectively, you can live your life in the present and ensure that you will continue to grow in the future. If you’re ready to put things in place to allow yourself more freedom, flexibility and fluid energy, then start here!

Cost: $8.99